• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danimadrid2007
  • hace 7 años

ayudenme porfavor
Reemplaza las palabras entre paréntesis ( ) usando un Pronombre personal o Posesivo en los espacios en blanco según sea su caso.

1. ____ works at National Bank. (Diana)
2. The book is ____. (John)
3. Do you hear the telephone? I think it's ____. (my telephone)
4. ____ are in the cupboard. (the dishes)
5. I'm sure it's ____. (the computer that my father bought to my sister and me)
6. ____ lives in Colorado, Texas. (Patrick)
7. Look at that car. It's ____. (Lorena and David)
8. ____ enjoy watching movies on Friday evenings. (My brother and I)
9. Those bicycles are ____. (Samuel and Jesús)
10. ____ is on the table. (the magazine)
11. That dog over there is ____. (Henry)
12. ____ is working at the moment. (Mary)
13. That house is ____. (Kathy)
14. ____ study French at university. (Peter, Anne and Frank)
15. Yes, that one is ____. (I)


Respuesta dada por: valerinra1ouolyu


1. She

2. his

3. mine

4. They

5. ours

6. He

7. theirs

8. We

9. theirs

10. It

11. his

12. She

13. hers

14. They

15. mine


I hope you like this... :)

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