• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariajose1812
  • hace 7 años


1. I am watching TV. = I AM NOT WATCHING TV.
2. They are talking. = _________________________________________
3. You are drawing. = ____________________________________________
4. He is opening the window. = _____________________________________
5. Angela is cleaning the bathroom. = __________________________________
6. We are helping in the garden. = _________________________________
7. You are singing. = ______________________________________
8. Itisraining. = ___________________________________________
9. Sheisjoking. -= ______________________________________________
10. I am tidying up my room. = _______________________________________


Respuesta dada por: sisisiUwU

1. I am watching TV. = I AM NOT WATCHING TV.
2. They are talking. = they aren’t talking_________________________________________
3. You are drawing. = you aren’t drawing ____________________________________________
4. He is opening the window. = he isn’t opening the window _____________________________________
5. Angela is cleaning the bathroom. = Angela is’t cleaning the bathroom __________________________________
6. We are helping in the garden. = we aren’t helping in the garden _________________________________
7. You are singing. = you aren’t singing ______________________________________
8. Itisraining. = it isn’t raining ___________________________________________
9. Sheisjoking. -= she isn’t joking______________________________________________
10. I am tidying up my room. = i am not tidying up my room _______________________________________

Respuesta dada por: ava123
2- They aren’t (abreviación de are not) talking

3- You aren’t drawing

4- He isn’t (abreviación de is not) opening the window

5- Angela isn’t cleaning the bathroom

6- We aren’t helping in the garden

7- You aren’t singing

8- It isn’t raining

9- She isn’t joking

10- I am not tidying up my room

Espero haber sido de ayuda!! Tal vez puedas ponerlo como mejor respuesta? Gracias!
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