• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: eduardocastilloxxx
  • hace 7 años

escriba al menos cinco oraciones en ingles en el pasado continuo usando los verbos stop, turn, leave,catch,tear ayiuda :v​


Respuesta dada por: Vuala

Respuesta: El pasado continuo le tienes que agregar Ing y tienes  que ver que pronombre utilizas y dependiendo de eso WAS Y WERE


I was stoping

You were turning in the house

he was leavening

we were tearing

she was catching

eduardocastilloxxx: graxx
Vuala: Espero y te sirva
eduardocastilloxxx: si
Respuesta dada por: Andrea12548


I was sleeping in my car

Mary and David were not visiting our high school.

Carol was reading the newspaper.

Were they showing their talent?

You were walk at the park

Luisa was not teaching in my school.

Were they speaking with Mary?

He was waiting for me all time


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