• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: melindafloresa2008
  • hace 8 años

“Something is very wrong,” says the detective.“I know!” says Ms. Gervis. “It is wrong that someone has stolen from me!”The detective looks around Ms. Gervis’ apartment. “That is not what I am talkingabout, ma’am. What is wrong is that I do not understand how the robber got inand out.”Ms. Gervis and the detective stand in silence. Ms. Gervis’ eyes are full of tears.Her hands are shaking.“The robber did not come through the window,” says the detective. “Thesewindows have not been opened or shut in months.”The detective looks at the fireplace. “The robber did not squeeze down here.”The detective walks to the front door. He examines the latch. “And since thereare no marks or scratches, the robber definitely did not try to break the lock.”“I have no idea how he did it,” says a bothered Ms. Gervis. “It is a big mystery.”“And you say the robber stole nothing else?” asks the detective. “No money, nojewelry, no crystal?”“That’s right, detective. He took only what was important to me,” Ms. Gervis sayswith a sigh. “There is only one thing I can do now.”“And what is that?” the detective asks with surprise.“I will stop baking cakes,” Ms. Gervis says. “They are mine to give away. Theyare not for someone to steal.”“You can’t do that!” says the detective with alarm. “Who will bake those deliciouscakes?”“I am sorry. I do not know,” says Ms. Gervis.“I must solve this case immediately!” says the detective.

1) Where does this story take place? *
A. in a bakery
B. at the police station
C. in Ms. Gervis' house
D. in Ms. Gervis' apartment

2) Near the beginning of the story,“Ms. Gervis’ eyes are full of tears.Her hands are shaking.” How doesMs. Gervis probably feel? *
A. She is upset.
B. She is tired.
C. She is hungry.
D. She is confused

3) What makes the detective sure that the robber did not come through the windows?
A. The windows are locked.
B. The windows face the police station.
C. The windows have not been used in months.
D. The windows are too small for a person to fit through.

4) What does Ms. Gervis do with her cakes? *
A. She eats them.
B. She sells them.
C. She hides them.
D. She gives them away

5) What is a mystery? *
A. something that is wrong.
B. something that happens at night.
C. something a robber leaves behind.
D. something that cannot be explained.


Respuesta dada por: hamrosa77








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