• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vale4264
  • hace 7 años

Complete the conversation. Use be and the words in brackets
A: (a)
Are you and Teri
you and Teri) in the same band?
&: No.(oo) we aren't
A. - (you) the singer in your band
B: No. (2)
I'm the drummer
A: -
... Kim) the singer?
B: Yes. And Laura's the guitarist
A Really? ()
(Lacra and Kim) sisters?
B: No,
They're friends
A: Oh. So. (6)
fyour gig) on Saturday at the ka
8: No. 6)
A: Where 8
B: It's at the T8, at 9.30
A And (9)
(you) ready for it​


Respuesta dada por: Marce6543

No entiendo mucho Inglés

El año pasado me fui a Nueva York y no sabía que o como decir algo por ejemplo ..

..en el hotel no sabía cómo decir me podría traer unas toallas a mi habitación!!!

Respuesta dada por: jhondeybistituanaa


Complete the conversation. Use be and the words in parentheses

A: (a)

are you in the same band?

&: No. (oo) we are not

A. - you are the singer in his band

B: No. (2)

I'm the drummer

A: -

 he is the singer

B: yes. And Laura is the guitarist.

A reality? They are sisters?

B: No

They are friends

A: oh. So. you saturday in ka

8: No. 6)

A: where 8


B: It is in T8, at 9.30.

A and (9)

you are ready for that

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