• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: estuardo220649
  • hace 8 años


Hello, good morning my name is , I was born on June 22, 2002, I am 17 years old and I am from Huanuco and currently live in Lima.
I am studying a career in business administration, I am in the third cycle.
I chose this career because I am interested in the business world and I feel comfortable in it, in addition an administrator is capable of carrying out activities in different organizational areas.
I love music, in terms of genres I really like anthology and cumbia, a bit of everything.
My favorite food is ceviche. I love action movies because they are so intense.
I hate people who mistreat animals because they are so innocent and sweet.
I really like the institute where I am studying because it has a good academic level, and the teaching is very good thanks to the excellent teachers it has.
As a life project I want to finish my career in administration and specialize in business law, and make known my skills to be able to teach and collaborate in corporations.
Thank you for your attention, that was all about me. Thank you.


Respuesta dada por: luciadernet


Jelou,gud morning(trata de que la letra O no suene muy fuerte) mai neim is, Ai was born(trata de no resaltar mucho la R)On shiun(la parte de shi se pronuncia como una mezcla de chi y shi) tuenti chu, chu d/tousand chu,ai am sevenntin yiars JOld and ai am from Huanuco and qrra/enli (puse la q porque se pronuncia como ku pero mas suave) laiv in Lema.

Ai am estadeng a kaerri er in bissness administreishon, ai am in di therd saikoll.

Ai chuus thees kaerri er bikAss ai am in intrurested in di bissness WourlDt and ai fiil kommtrebelD in et, in adeshon ean udmenistreirar is keipabell off keerienng aut ACtiviris in difroent  organuhSEIshonal Eriioz( te recomiendo escuchar la pronunciacion de esta para que te salga mejor el acento que tienen en la R)

ai lov miusic, in teErmss of zhaanruess ai reelee laik enthALooshee and koombeah, a bet of evebreeting.

mai feibraat fuud is sebishee. ai lov akshan muvis bikAss tei ar sou INtens.

Ai jeit pipol ju meestreet enimuolz bikAss dei ar sou enesent and ssuuitt.

ai reelee laik di InsTItout weer ai am estadeng bikAss it jas a gud AKAdeemec levell,and di teCHeiNG is verrii gud thangks tu di ekseleent tichors it jas

As a laef proyeecT(con la c casi muda) ai wAnt tu fenesh mai kaerri er in admenestreishon and espeashalais in bessness laA, and meik nonn mai eskeells tu bi eibol tu teCH and kalaboraat in corporeishons

THenkiu for yoor ateenshaan, thAT waas  all(la A la pronuncias a su vez como una O) aBAUtt mi. thenkiu

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