• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vivigood705
  • hace 8 años

2. Read the following passage about DEMOCRACY and choose the best heading for each part of the reading:



The word democracy describes a form of government. The word comes from two Greek words that mean “rule by the people.” In a democracy, the people have a say in how the government acts. They do this by voting, though there are usually rules about who can vote. Democracies are different from dictatorships. In a dictatorship, one person called a dictator makes all the rules.

2. _

There are two main forms of democracy. In a direct democracy, all the voters come together in one place to make laws and decisions. Often there are too many people for a direct democracy to work. In those cases, the people elect representatives, or other people to speak for them. This is a representative democracy. The elected representatives make the laws and decisions.

3. ___________________________________________________________

The first democracies were in ancient Greece more than 2,000 years ago. Those did not last long, however. After that, kings and other rulers had all the power in their countries. In about the 1200s, however, some rulers began to allow certain citizens to be part of the government.

By the 1600s and 1700s, some people began to think that every person had certain rights. These included the right to participate in their government. In the British colonies of North America, the colonists felt that the king did not allow them to participate enough. They fought a war to gain their freedom. When they won the war, they established the United States as a republic.

A republic is a form of democracy in which the citizens vote for the people who make the laws. They also vote for the leader of the country, who is often a president. Many other countries became republics as well. Other countries kept their kings or queens but still became democracies. Monarchies with democracy received the name of constitutional monarchies. In such countries, the people vote for representatives. The king or queen is the head of the country, but they have little real power.


Respuesta dada por: kmbo4321


1. Interesting facts about

2.Types of democracy



Respuesta dada por: AlePogonz

Para reconocer que título aplicar en cada párrafo te dejo los siguientes consejos:

  • Lee detenidamente el párrafo y concéntrate en comprenderlo globalmente, es decir que hayas entendido el significado de cada una de las palabras, o lo que significa el conjunto de ellas.
  • Una vez realizado el paso anterior, selecciona las palabras cuyo significado desconoces y búscalas en algún diccionario o traductor.
  • Lo siguiente es reconocer las palabras o frases claves de cada párrafo que nos darán una idea de qué título sería el más apropiado. Por ejemplo, en el primer párrafo la frase "There are two main forms of democracy...." hace referencia a que existen dos tipos de democracia y nos da indicios que el posible título sería-----> TYPES OF DEMOCRACY.
  • Finalmente, cuando hayas leído cada párrafo y seleccionado alguno de los posibles títulos, te recomiendo hacer una lectura del texto completo (con los títulos incluidos) para comprobar si los títulos elegidos son coherentes o no.

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