The distances between the point of support and the load are called the load arm, and between the point of support and where we apply force we will call them power arms. The purpose of a lever is to get a large load moving from a very small force or power
Explicación: (in Spanish)
A las distancias entre el punto de apoyo y la carga se les llama brazo de carga, y entre el punto de apoyo y donde aplicamos la fuerza las llamaremos brazos de potencia. La finalidad de una palanca es conseguir mover una carga grande a partir de una fuerza o potencia muy pequeña
Respuesta: A lever is a simple machine that consists of a rigid bar supported at one point, known as the fulcrum. A force called the effort force is applied at one point on the lever in order to move an object, known as the resistance force, located at some other point on the lever.