• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yaczuliacosta
  • hace 7 años

12. I _____ never _____ any planes in my

life. (fly)

13. What _____ you already ______ for

her birthday? (buy)

II. Rewrite the sentences putting

the adverbs in the correct place:

1. Have you visited any famous

museums? (ever)


2. They haven’t signed this contract.



3. She has spoken to her neighbour.



4. We have finished our test in Maths.



5. They have gone to the swimming pool.



6. He has been to Australia. (never)

_________________________________ ​


Respuesta dada por: karenortizg


12: I have never flown any planes in my Life.

13: What have you already bought for her birthday?


-Have you ever visited any famous museums?

-They haven't signed this contract yet.

-She has never spoken to the her neightbour


Te recomiendo mucho repasar los temas de ''Past perfect'' y ''Present Perfect'', en donde se presenta el Have/Haven't y el Had/Hadn't acompañados de verbos en Presente Perfecto. Sirven para hablar de acontecimientos pasados sin ninguna fecha especifica. ¡Espero haberte ayudado!

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