• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nandito120905
  • hace 7 años

necesito 10 oraciones en presente perfecto en ingles porfa
afirmativas negativas y interrogativas
10 de cada una


Respuesta dada por: Benyamix


Estas son oraciones en presente perfecto en idioma ingles:


1. Marcos have eaten in all the italian restaurants

2. A lot of poems have been written about love

3. She has runned the marathon for five years

4. The kid has stolen my candy

5. Andy Warhol has taken that picture.  


6. We haven't talked in years

7. I have dressed the same outfit twice.  

8. Elisa hasn't finished her homework  

9. The kids have not cleaned their room.  

10. I haven't seen Casablanca


11. Has this car been made in Japan?

12.Has Tom Brady won the Superbowl six times?

13. Have you traveled to Miami last month?

14. Has Carla had her baby yesterday?

15. Have They been together for 40 years?

El presente perfecto es un tiempo verbal que se usa para hablar de un tiempo que es anterior al presente y donde la acción realizada está aún vigente. Este se construye empleando la siguiente formulación:

 Sujeto + Verbo HAVE/HAS + Participio Pasado del Verbo + Complemento.


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