8. Completa las siguientes oraciones teniendo en cuenta el
condicional Zero.
a. If snakes aren't scared, they don't---,
b. If bears smell food, they----|
c. If you stay in the water a long time, your body loses--- and it's
difficult to swim.
d. If they bite you, it's--- and you can get ill.

a. If snakes aren't scared, they don't bite
b. If bears smell food, they attack
c. If you stay in the water a long time, your body loses --- and it's difficult to swim
d. If they bite you, it's poisonous and you can get ill.
I'm sorry but I don't know the c (---)
hello everyone tomorrow morning we're going hiking in the forest I know we're all going to have a fantastic time but I have some important information that I want to tell you first of all make sure you bring enough water you should bring two water bottles there is no place that we can get water on the route if you don't have a water bottle you can get one in the food tent secondly it's possible that we'll see some dangerous animals like snakes don't panic snakes are scared they don't bite so just stay calm and wait for the snake to go away there are bears in the bars too so don't leave any food on the ground if they're smell food a following we don't want to see any bears this is extremely important we're going to stop at the lake so that you can swim but the water is really cold stay in the water a long time your body loses energy and it's difficult to swim so when you feel cold get out one last thing on your legs and arms some insects in the forest are dangerous if they bite you it's really painful and you can get it and take it with you so you can put more on during the hike that's everything so we leave tomorrow at 9 a.m.
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