• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: braaortiz
  • hace 7 años

The Interconnectedness of Life
Everything is connected. There is a symbiotic relationship between all living things. One good example of this relationship is
ecosystems. These are communities of living organisms that share the benefits of their habitat. They get air, water, and food. (A)

Our planet is an ecosystem, made up of many other small ecosystems. But human actions have transformed the Earth. Too much
CO2 in the atmosphere is changing the climate of the planet. This change creates other conditions that affect ecosystems. (B) …
We create pollution. We build roads, kill animals, cut down trees, pollute the soil, air and water, and consume resources without
thinking of the effects. Forests are necessary to purify the air. Trees absorb CO2 and release oxygen. They also maintain the water
cycle by releasing wáter vapour into the atmosphere. The forests are the habitat of many organisms and animals. They provide
food and water. Clearly, deforestation is our biggest problem. (C) …
A healthy ecosystem allows many different species to live together. This is biodiversity, and it is sustainable when it is capable of
providing the necessary conditons for all species to live and reproduce.
1. According to the WWF (the Worldwide Fund for Nature), human activity has destroyed
50% of the world’s forests.
2. Our lifestyle is responsible for most environmental problems.
3. In an ecosytem, everything has a specific role to play: if something does not work, itwill create imbalance in other parts of the


braaortiz: preguntas.
1. According to the WWF (the Worldwide Fund for Nature), human activity has destroyed
50% of the world’s forests.
2. Our lifestyle is responsible for most environmental problems.
3. In an ecosytem, everything has a specific role to play: if something does not work, itwill create imbalance in other parts of the


Respuesta dada por: solangegarcia0


La interconexión de la vida

Todo está conectado. Hay una relación simbiótica entre todos los seres vivos. Un buen ejemplo de esta relación es

ecosistemas. Son comunidades de organismos vivos que comparten los beneficios de su hábitat. Reciben aire, agua y comida. (A)

Nuestro planeta es un ecosistema, compuesto por muchos otros pequeños ecosistemas. Pero las acciones humanas han transformado la Tierra. Demasiado

El CO2 en la atmósfera está cambiando el clima del planeta. Este cambio crea otras condiciones que afectan a los ecosistemas. (B) …

Creamos contaminación. Construimos carreteras, matamos animales, cortamos árboles, contaminamos el suelo, el aire y el agua, y consumimos recursos sin

pensando en los efectos. Los bosques son necesarios para purificar el aire. Los árboles absorben CO2 y liberan oxígeno. También mantienen el agua

liberando vapor de agua en la atmósfera. Los bosques son el hábitat de muchos organismos y animales. Ellos proveen

comida y agua. Claramente, la deforestación es nuestro mayor problema. (C) …

Un ecosistema saludable permite que muchas especies diferentes vivan juntas. Esto es biodiversidad, y es sostenible cuando es capaz de

proporcionando las condiciones necesarias para que todas las especies vivan y se reproduzcan.


1. Según el WWF (Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza), la actividad humana ha destruido

El 50% de los bosques del mundo.

2. Nuestro estilo de vida es responsable de la mayoría de los problemas ambientales.

3. En un ecosistema, todo tiene un papel específico que desempeñar: si algo no funciona, creará un desequilibrio en otras partes del


braaortiz: ok. GRACIAS no me sirve pero de todas maneras.
Respuesta dada por: 1606wen






The Interconnectedness of Life

Everything is connected. There is a symbiotic relationship between all living things. One good example of this relationship is

ecosystems. These are communities of living organisms that share the benefits of their habitat. They get air, water, and food. (A)  In an ecosytem, everything has a specific role to play: if something does not work, itwill create imbalance in other parts of the  ecosystem.

Our planet is an ecosystem, made up of many other small ecosystems. But human actions have transformed the Earth. Too much

CO2 in the atmosphere is changing the climate of the planet. This change creates other conditions that affect ecosystems. (B)  According to the WWF (the Worldwide Fund for Nature), human activity has destroyed  50% of the world’s forests.

We create pollution. We build roads, kill animals, cut down trees, pollute the soil, air and water, and consume resources without

thinking of the effects. Forests are necessary to purify the air. Trees absorb CO2 and release oxygen. They also maintain the water

cycle by releasing wáter vapour into the atmosphere. The forests are the habitat of many organisms and animals. They provide

food and water. Clearly, deforestation is our biggest problem. (C) Our lifestyle is responsible for most environmental problems.  

A healthy ecosystem allows many different species to live together. This is biodiversity, and it is sustainable when it is capable of

providing the necessary conditons for all species to live and reproduce.

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