• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gonsales2
  • hace 9 años

oraciones con happy bored dissappoined hungry sleppy siak hot cold tired nervous schoked thirsty exhasted embarrassed scared surpriced angry con el verbo to be


Respuesta dada por: Delbeck
My dog is always happy to see me when I arrive to home.

The class of Chemestry was bored as hell.

We were hungry so we went to dinner out to IHOP.

I'm sleepy I didn't sleep well last night, the dogs were barking all the damn night.

Why is it so hot  here?  Don't you have air conditioning?

I always get nervous when I talk to her, She is so pretty, I don't knowwhat to say or what to do. 

The family was shocked when they saw thier house was flooded.

I'm thirsty, I want a Ice coffe.

At the end of the day we are exhausted. 

The goverment of UK arose the taxes to attempt make more proceeds.

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