• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rochyds20
  • hace 7 años

made , tried , ate , built , were, lived , fell, blew, was, used, came
completa :
once upon a time there ______ three little pigs. one ________ a house with straw ,one ______ a house with wood and the other ______ bricks. one day a big bad wolf_____ and _____ to destroy they houses . he ______on each house. the houses of straw and wood ______down and he ______ the ping . the house of bricks ______ very strong so the final pig _______ a long and happy life


Respuesta dada por: ayanna35


1. were

2. made

3.  built

4. used

5. came

6. tried

7. blew

8. fell

9. ate

10. was

11. lived

rochyds20: gracias
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