• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariiosalas
  • hace 7 años


Make the present simple or present continuous:

You (not / like) _________________________________ chocolate.
She (not / study) _________________________________ at the moment.
We often (go) _________________________________ to the cinema.
He usually (not / do) _________________________________ his homework.
They (not / eat) _________________________________ rice every day.
We (not / study) _________________________________ every night.
(You / like) _________________________________ spicy food?
(She / go) _________________________________ to Scotland often?
(He / eat) _________________________________ now?
We (go) _________________________________ to the cinema this weekend.
They (study) _______________________________ now.
I (clean) _________________________________ the kitchen every day.
She (work) _________________________________ every Sunday.
We (not / sleep) _________________________________ now.
He (not / go) _________________________________ to the park very often.
It (rain) _________________________________ a lot here.
I (go) _________________________________ on holiday tomorrow.
How long (she / stay) _________________________________ in London?
I often (read) _________________________________ at night.


Respuesta dada por: juankbiker


You do not like chocolate.

She is not  studying at the moment.

We often go to the cinema.

He usually does not  do) his homework.

They do not  eat) rice every day.

We do not  study every night.

Do You  like spicy food?

Does She  go to Scotland often?

Is He  eating now?

We are going to the cinema this weekend.

They are studying now.

I clean the kitchen every day.

She works every Sunday.

We are not  sleeping now.

He does not  go to the park very often.

It rains a lot here.

I am going on holiday tomorrow.

How long is she  staying in London?

I often read at night.


Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las siguientes oraciones en present simple or present continuous:

  1. You don't like chocolate.
  2. She isn't studying at the moment.
  3. We often go to the cinema.
  4. He usually doesn't do his homework.
  5. They don't eat rice every day.
  6. We don't study every night.
  7. Do you like spicy food?
  8. Does she go to Scotland often?
  9. Is he eating now?
  10. We are going to the cinema this weekend.
  11. They are studying now.
  12. I clean the kitchen every day.
  13. She works every Sunday.
  14. We aren't sleeping now.
  15. He doesn't go to the park very often.
  16. It is raining a lot here.
  17. I am going on holiday tomorrow.
  18. How long does she stay in London?
  19. I often read at night.

¿Cuándo se usa el present simple?

Cuando se hace referencia a las acciones que se hacen de forma constante en el presente. Las oraciones afirmativas se escriben con la siguiente estructura:

Sujeto + verbo en presente + complemento.

¿Cuándo se usa el present continuous?

Se usa cuando hablamos de acciones que se están haciendo en el momento o planes a futuro. Las oraciones afirmativas tienen la siguiente estructura dependiendo del sujeto de la oración:

  • Sujeto (I) + am + verbo en ing + complemento.
  • Sujeto (he, she, it) + is + verbo en ing + complemento.
  • Sujeto (you, we, they) + are + verbo en ing + complemento.

Para ver más oraciones en present simple y present continuous puedes consultar aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/243548 y brainly.lat/tarea/132282


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