• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kotesole2002
  • hace 7 años

me pueden ayudar atraducir este guion porfavor
necesito que tenga oraciones cn wish, if only y el tercer condicional
y no tengo idea como hacerlo
se lo agradeceria un mundo



Respuesta dada por: jimenasantiagosil


-I wish you were here

-I wish I could be there

-I wish to be working with you

-I wish you can come

-I wish to be perfect

-I wish to sit down

-I wish I could write

-I wish I can play guitar

-I wish to be at home

-I wish to have children


-If only I didn't get so angry with him

-If only he didn't marry Tina

-If only he hasn't married Tina

-If only she loved me,  I'd be the happiest guy ever

- If only I had money, I'd travel all around the globe

-If only I had a big house, I would have a dog

-If only I didn't live in an apartment, I would have a dog

-If only I was there, I'd be watching a movie with you

-If you are only my friend I'm sad

-If I only was a dog, i would be happy


Respuesta dada por: estefany4792


solo ponle todo el texto copialo y pasalo al traductor de google

kotesole2002: pero queda raro
kotesole2002: y no las oraciones con wish, if only, y el tercer condicional no se como introducilas
kotesole2002: introducirlas*
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