• Asignatura: Derecho
  • Autor: Lapuuuu
  • hace 7 años

1) Write the correct form of the verb in bracket.

1- We ……………… (watch) horror films. (+)

2- Teresa and Lorena ……………………….(listen) to classical music. (-)

3- He …………………(like) to eat sandwiches. (+)

4- Candela ……………………(read) magazines. (-)

5- I …………………………(play) cards. (-)

6- You ……………….(go) to the cinema. (+)

7- The dog ……………………..(eat) bananas. (-)

8- ……………..she…………….(chat) with Friends? –No, she ………………….

9- ………………..they……………..(like) the school? –No, they …………….

10- ……………….the cat……………..(play) with a ball? –Yes, it ……………….

11- ………………you………………..(drink) mate? –No, I…………….

12- ……………..Oscar………………(ride) a motorbike? –No, he……………..


Respuesta dada por: bryanpilliza26


llllll que me gusta, y si es un problema con el. el problema es que no me carga y descarga tu música y el

Respuesta dada por: mariabargar2006


1.- watch

2.- don't listen

3.- likes

4.-doesn't read

5.- don't play

6.- go

7.- doesn't eat

8.- Does / chat / doesn't

9.- Do / like / don't

10.- Does / play / does

11.- Do / drink / don't

12.- Does / ride / doesn't


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