• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: M4RC0S720
  • hace 8 años

5 oraciones en pasado continuo en ingles afirmativas negativas e interrogativas


Respuesta dada por: blackpinkx1997lisa


I was having fun in the party

He was traveling last week

You were studying for the test in that moment

Andrew was preparing his speech


Sandra wasn't singing in the club yesterday

They weren't playing together

We weren't talking about it


Were you cooking this morning?

Was Sam walking in the park?

Was She working with you?

El PASADO CONTINUO se forma empleando el verbo auxiliar TO BE conjugado en pasado, seguido del verbo de acción terminado en -ING.

        Sujeto + To Be en pasado + Verbo-ING + Complemento

Este tiempo verbal se usa para indicar acciones que estaban ocurriendo en un tiempo pasado no tan lejano.

Respuesta dada por: charles591


She was reading a book

He wasn't watching tv

were we playing football?

they weren't cooking

She was washing the clothes

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