En el idioma Inglés la voz pasiva (passive voice) es una conjugación verbal que se utiliza para darle más énfasis al sujeto sobre el que recae la acción o que la ejecuta que sobre la acción misma. Esta se construye empleando la siguiente formulación:
Sujeto + Verbo aux TO BE + Participio Pasado del Verbo + Complemento.
20 oraciones con voz pasiva
1. French is spoken in Canada and France.
2. The Chrysler building was built in 1930
2. The Chrysler building was built in 1930
3. A lot of poems are written about love
4.All the cookies were eaten by Marcos.
5. My wallet was stolen this morning
6. The essay isn't finished yet.
7. The room is cleaned by the kids.
8.The picture is taken by a famous artist.
9. The guitar is played by Luis
10.The superbowl is played in the Mercedes-Benz Stadium
11. A mistake isn't made alone
12.The mails is delivered every two days
13.The musical is enjoyed by the audience
14.The chocolate is eaten by my girlfriend
15.The baby is taken care by my mother
16.The song is sung by Mariah Carey
17. Rome is visited by a lot of tourists every year
18.Cellphones are assembled by machines
19.Classes are dictated by experts
20. Machu Picchu was discovered in Peru
Por otra parte, el presente perfecto es un tiempo verbal que se usa para hablar de un tiempo que es anterior al presente y donde la acción realizada está aún vigente. Este se construye empleando la siguiente formulación:
Sujeto + Verbo HAVE/HAS + Participio Pasado del Verbo + Complemento.
20 oraciones con voz pasiva
1.Marcos have eaten in all the italian restaurants
2.We haven't talked in years
3.She has runned the marathon for five years
4.A lot of poems have been written about love
5. The kid has stolen my candy
6.I have dressed the same outfit twice.
7. Elisa hasn't finished her homework
8.The kids have cleaned their room.
9.Andy Warhol has taken that picture.
10.The castle has been open for more than a decade.
11.This car has been made in Japan.
12.Tom Brady have won the Superbowl six times
13.I have traveled to Miami last month.
14.Carla have had her baby yesterday
15.They have been together 40 years.
16.We haven't met yet.
17. Louis has played the guitar in my band for a while
18. I haven't seen Casablanca
19.They have watched a new musical
20. She hasn't arrived to the house.
Te invito a aprender más sobre la voz pasiva y el presente perfecto
10 oraciones en voz pasiva y 10 en voz activa en ingles con su respuesta
20 oraciones interrogativas en presente perfecto