• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: chispitamartinez12
  • hace 7 años

ayuda nesesito 15 preguntas con sus respuestas acerca de los aparatos del cuerpo humano utilizando wh questions


Respuesta dada por: jh181862



What : qué o cuál

Why : por qué

When : cuándo

Where : dónde

Who : quién

Which : cuál

How : cómo

Respuesta dada por: amelie4457


  • Which is the largest artery in the body?

    = The largest artery is the aorta

  • What is the name of the top layer of the skin?

    = The top layer of the skin is the epidermis

  • How many muscles do your eyes control?

    = For each eye, six muscles

  • What is the only organ that can regenerate?

    = the only organ that can regenerate it self is the liver.

  • Which part of our body has more bones?

    = The hand is the part of our body that have more bones

  • How many vertebrae does the body have?

    = it have 33 vertebrae

  • What is the duodenum?

     = it is the first portion of the small intestine

  • How the nutrients that result from digestion reach your whole body?

     = Through the blood

  • Which is the largest organ in the human body?

     = The skin is the largest organ in the human body

  • What is the biggest muscle in the body?

     = is the gluteus maximus

  • How many bones does an adult human body have?

     = it have 206 bones

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