• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ibaialonso669
  • hace 7 años

Ayuda por favor es para hoy urgente mil gracias a quien me lo haga

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. We …………………… (repair) the roof the whole day.
2. Bob lost his wife two years ago and he …………………… (not meet) anybody since then.
3. I …………………… (do) my homework I haven’t finished yet.
4. How long …………………… you …………………… (wait) for the train?
5. Lena …………………… (study) since las week.
6. Beth …………………… (appear) on television since she was a little girl.

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Continuous.
learn  eat  do  not snow  fix
1. I’m dirty because I …………………… the car.
2. How many years …………………… you …………………… English?
3. What …………………… he …………………… since he left school?
4. We …………………… at this restaurant for years now. Isn’t it great?
5. There isn’t much snow on the ground because it …………………… for very long.

3 Write the words in the correct order to form sentences. Use the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. study / how long / Eva and Jess / together / history / ?

2. for two years / wait/ Judy / this opportunity / for / .

3. go / lately / we / concerts / a lot of / to / .

4. since / eight years old / sing / my cousin / was / he / .

5. very long / not watch / for / TV / I / .

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple
or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. He ……………………………. (talk) to her on the phone all morning.
2. They …………………… never …………………… (see) such a good play.
3. She ……………………………. (not feel) well recently.
4. I ……………………………. (not had) such a good time for years.
5. …………………… the programme …………………… (start) yet?
6. How long …………………… they …………………… (sleep)?

5 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.
yet  already  since  all day  for
1. I have been living here …………………… I was born.
2. They haven’t arrived …………………… .
3. The boys have been playing video games …………………… hours.
4. He has …………………… talked to me about the problem.
5. We’ve been practicing for the concert …………………… .

6 Complete the text with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple
or Present Perfect Continuous.
write  hear  perform  create  change  listen  become  use
Have you ever listened to a song that you think you 1. …………………… before? If the answer is yes, you 2. …………………… probably …………………… to a “mashup”.
A mashup is a new song made from two or more old ones. It’s not really new, but recently technology 3. …………………… things. DJs 4. …………………… this new technology
to create their own mashups by mixing recorded songs on computers. Artist DJ Reset
5. …………………… several hit songs by doing this. He 6. …………………… on stages around the world for a while now. He 7. …………………… very successful lately and magazines and newspapers 8. …………………… about him.


Respuesta dada por: andreina21nov


*Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. We have been repairing the roof of the whole today

2. Bob lost his wife two years ago and he haven't met anybody since then

3. I have been doing my homework I haven't finished yet

4. How long have you been waiting for the train?

5. Lena has been studying since last week

6. Beth have been appearing on television since last week

*Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I'm dirty because I have been fixing the car

2. How many years have you been learning English

3. What have he been doing since the left school?

4. We have been eating at this restaurant for years now. Isn't it great?

5. There isn't much snow on the ground because it haven't been snowing for very long

*Write the words in the correct order to form sentences. Use the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. How long have been Eva and Jess studying history together?

2. Judy have been waiting this opportunity for two years

3. Lately we have been going a lot yo concerts

4. My cousin have been singing since he was eight years old

5. I haven't been watching TV for very long

*Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. He have been talking to her on the phone all morning

2. They have never saw such a good play

3. She haven't been feeling well recently

4. I haven't had such a good time for years

5. Haven't the programme started yet?

6. How long have they been sleeping?

*Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

1. I have been living there since I was born

2. They haven't arrived yet

3. The boys have been playing video games for

4. He has already talked to me about the problem

5. We've been practicing for the concert all day


ibaialonso669: Muchas gracias pero falta el ultimo ejercicio
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