• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bruxnuez
  • hace 7 años

Ayuda por favor , necesito hacer un dialogo en inglés , en presente simple , sobre vacaciones y debe ser de 8 líneas con saludos u despedidas , ayuda por favor

KikuHonda: ¿comó debe de ser?, una carta?, ¿o como si lo estuvieras contando a alguien más?


Respuesta dada por: nayefuentes07


+hi! how are going your vacations?

- they are going great!

+ really? tell me, what are you doing now!

- well, I'm shopping some little presents for my parents

+ what did you buy? can you send a picture?

- I buy a sweater for my mom and I don't know what can I buy for dad, sorry... I broke my camera las week.

+ oh that's sounds great, what if you buy like a pair of boot, you dad likes it.

- I don't think about a pair of boots, it will be great! thank you, I'll call you when I'll get home ok?

- yes I know, of course, see you later.

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