• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: angelbritez232
  • hace 7 años

D= So so! It´s difficult to get back to ______________________ (THE PLACE WHERE CRIMINALS ARE SENT)
R= Do you really want to return?
D= Yes, __________________ . I´ve tried ________Shoplifting______________ (CRIME: stealing things from shops) and ___________Piracy_____________ (CRIME: copying CDs of music illegally) to be sent back there but I wasn´t ARRESTED / INVESTIGATED. I was assigned communitary service. I´ll become A / THE ___________________ (CRIMINAL: someone that steals money from people in a violent way)
R= Come on! You can change. You are a ____________________ (ADJECTIVE) adult but you ________________________________ (NOT/WORK). You ____________________________ (STEAL) and___________________________ (LIVE) in THE / ---- streets now. What about your family? Where _________________ (BE) they?
D= They live far away from here.
R= But I´m sure they _______________ (LOVE) you. _____________________
_________________________________? (HAVE / MANY / BROTHERS / OR / HOW / GOT / YOU / SISTERS)
D= None. I´m an __________________________ (WHEN YOU DON´T HAVE SIBLINGS)
Five years ago, before I _____________(GO) to prison, I __________________ (LIVE) with my ________________________________ (A FAMILY MEMBER). Now, she _______________ (GO) in a ________________________ (SUFFIX + RETIRE) home so I cannot move with her.
R= ____________ you _______________ (WANT) to get a job?
D= Yes, I do but not many people _____________________ (LIKE) criminals working with them.
R= But you can try. __________ you _________________ (PLAN) to change your life?
D= Yes I´m planning to do it but I ___________(BE) in prison for many years and I ______________ (FORGET) how to do many things. I _______________ (NOT/WASH) my clothes or ___________ (COOK). I __________________ (WATCH) TV all day long. What do you expect me to do?
R= Learn how to do those things.
___________________________________________________________ (ASK A QUESTION)
D= ____________________________________________________________ (ANSWER IT)


Respuesta dada por: Gisel2411




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