• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: krosero9000
  • hace 7 años

Match each word with the correct definition. Vocabulary 1. Clover. 2. Faith. 3. Hope. 4. Luck. Write a sentence with each word of the previous vocabulary using the structure of the Second conditional.

yamiharo2005: _Faith__strong belief or trust in someone or something.  

_Luck___the things that happen to a person because of chance: the accidental way things happen without being planned.

__Hope__to want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen or be true.

__Clover____a small, green plant that usually has three leaves on each stem and that usually has round flowers that are white, red, or purple  

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adriantinizaray10: :)


Respuesta dada por: karlaxa18


clover - luck

faith - hope

If I had a clover i Would be very Luck

If she had faith she Would be healed

If I had hope I Would do Well the exam

Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

En esta actividad hay que unir cada palabra con el significado correspondiente.

Strong belief or trust in something or someone:

  • Faith

To want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen or be true:

  • Hope

The things that happen to a person because of chance: the accidental way things happen without being planned:

  • Luck

A small, green plant that usually has three leaves on each stem and usually has round flowers that are white, red or purple:

  • Clover

Segundo Condicional

El segundo condicional se usa para expresar acciones con pocas probabilidades que sucedan. Su estructura es la siguiente:

  • If + sujeto + verbo en pasado simple + sujeto + would + verbo
  1. If I were you, I wouldn't put my hopes on it (Si fuera tú, no pondría mis esperanzas en eso)
  2. You would find a clover if you looked harder (Encontrarías un treból si buscaras mejor)
  3. You'd have better luck if you invested better (Tendrías más suerte si invirtieras mejor)
  4. If you trusted your faith to a person, who would it be (Si le confiaras tu destino a una persona, quién sería)

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