• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: candeldd
  • hace 7 años

complete these sentences White the verb add _or _s _es
when necessary.
she ..... volleyball (play)
we ...... our Homework (do)
they ..... at that house (live)
you ....... every day (study)
he ...... his hands before eating(whash)
this dog ........ lots of water(drink)
we ....... three pieces of fruit every day (eat)

me ayudan?​


Respuesta dada por: Yuna249


Li siento no se mucho de inglés pero en la primera creo que es playing

Segunda does

3era live

4ta study

Respuesta dada por: cherrypau4321


she plays volleyball (play)

we do our Homework (do)

they live at that house (live)

you study every day (study)

he washes his hands before eating(whash)

this dog drinks lots of water(drink)

we eat three pieces of fruit every day (eat)

candeldd: hola una pregunta
candeldd: live y do xq se pone así como está en el ejemplo y no lives o does es x algo en especial?
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