• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: michicori2015p7ctvy
  • hace 7 años

Complete the sentences with can, could or be able to. Complete las oraciones con can, could or be
able to…
a. When my mother was young children_____________________ leave school at the age of sixteen.
b. These days you_______________ play games online with people from different countries.
c. You______________ post as many photos as you want to on social networking sites.
d. In the future we_________________ download videos of our teachers’ lessons.
e. You______________________ use your smartphone for so many different things.
f. In the future I think we___________________ do all our exams online.
g. Nowadays students_______use their smartphones to check facts.
h. In the past students _____________use smartphones in the classroom.
i. In the future robots ________________teach in school
j. Technology ___________help teachers and students in the classroom


Respuesta dada por: sandra123guay12


A) could


c) can

d) would be able to


f) would be able to


h) could

i) would be able to

j) can


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