• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ailendelgado57
  • hace 7 años

Answer true (T) or false (F). If it is false, write the correct statement.
T / F
1. If you put your bag or purse on the floor, you will get a lot of money. _____
2. People knocks on wood to prevent something bad from happening. _____
3. Sitting at the corner of the table will bring you a husband or wife very soon. _____
4. Sitting at the corner of the table will bring you a husband or wife very soon. _____
5. Seeing white butterflies means you will have a new house. _____


Respuesta dada por: alissoncamachoj5


Correct Answer:

A bag on the flor os money, that goes out the door



Correct Answer:

If a woman sits in the corner of the table she won't get married soon

La cuarta es la misma que la tercera


Espero haberte ayudado


c34945100: ¡ porque
c34945100: ¿Porque en la respuesta dice que la 4 es falsa y en la hoja dice que es verdadera?
melina29ebo: Yo no veo donde dice que es falsa, en la respuesta, la 4 es la 5 y la 5 es verdadera, yo creeo que esta bien
Jenn1fer: Si tanto dices que estan mal danos las respues aver si sabes
Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

True or False

Las siguientes oraciones están basadas en creencias populares, debes determinar cuales son verdaderas y cuales falsas.

1. If you put your bag or purse on the floor, you will get a lot of money.

  • False. If you put a bag or a purse on the floor the money will go away

2. People knocks on wood to prevent something bad from happening.

  • True

3. Sitting at the corner of the table will bring you a husband or wife very soon.

  • False. Sitting at the corner means you will never get married  

5. Seeing white butterflies means you will have a new house.

  • True. A white butterfly means something good and new is coming your way.

Ver más. brainly.lat/tarea/10107680

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