According to Chinese tradition, the history of silk begins in the 17th century BC. C. It continues for three millennia of exclusivity during which China exports this precious fabric without ever revealing the secret of its manufacture. The art of silk making was transmitted after other civilizations thanks to merchants, thieves, and spies of all kinds, such as monks or diplomats. Once it reached Western Europe in the late Middle Ages, silk production reached the phase of industrialization from the 19th century on. It will then undergo a major decline, related to the rapid development of the manufacture of this fabric in certain Asian countries and to the epidemics that affect silkworms in France. It has finally turned into an essentially Asian production.
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According to well-established Chinese legend, Empress Hsi Ling Shi, wife of Emperor Huang Ti (also called the Yellow Emperor), was the first person to accidentally discover silk as weavable fiber. One day, when the empress was sipping tea under a mulberry tree , a cocoon fell into her cup and began to unravel.