• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marleivis01
  • hace 7 años


1 ) would who you talk to if you could travel back in time?
2) Where would you go on holiday, if you could travel anywhere?
3) what would you say if you meat an alien from another planet?
4) How would you feel if you were the only person on earth?
5) What would you print if you had a 3D printer?
6 ) What would you by if you were very, very rich?
7) What would you do if you could choose any job in the world
8)Would you be happy if you had a pet dinosaur?


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1) I would talk to Anne Frank

2) I would go to las Bahamas

3) I would say Hello

4) I would feel sad

5) I would print a picture of my favorite place

6) I would buy many houses near Disneyworld

7) I would be a Manager at Disneyworld's Parks

8) No, I wouldn't be happy if I had a pet dinosaur

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