• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: martina11220
  • hace 7 años

Completá los verbos de la foto de abajo en presente simple o presente continuo según

1- He leaves (leave) school at five every day.
2- _______ (They play) tennis at weekends?
3- The children___(play) with their toys in the their bedroom now.
4- you are very quiet. what _________ (you think) about?
5- She ____ (come) from the Us but now she ______ (travel) around England.
6- We usually __________ (have) lunch in the kitchen but today we _________ (eat) in the living room.


Respuesta dada por: bishamonismyidol


2. Do they play tennis at weekends?

3. The children are playing with their toys in their bedroom now.

4. You are very quiet. What are you thinking about?

5. She comes from the US but now she is traveling around England.

6. We usually have lunch in the kitchen but today we are eating in the living room.

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