• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: AyyCancinoss
  • hace 7 años

Oxford is the most popular tourist attraction in Britain.
after London and Stratford-upon-Avon. Oxford is famous
for its university. It is the oldest in Britain and the third
oldest in Europe
The university has thirty-five separate colleges. For
many years, only five of these colleges were for
women. However, nearly all the colleges accept
nowadays both men and women.
Oxford is also a market town, where ordinary people live
and work. Oxford has over one million visitors a year.
London the most popular attraction in Britain?
2. What is the most popular attraction in Britain?
Why is Oxford famous?
• Is Cambridge the oldest university in Britain?
s. What is the oldest university in Britain?
. Does Oxford have twenty separate colleges?
- How many colleges does it have?
Were the colleges in the past for men and women?
How many of these colleges were for women?
10 Do nearly all the colleges nowadays accept both men and
11 Is oxford also a market town?
12 Does Oxford have three million visitors a year?
is How many visitors does it have a year?
13How many visitors does it have a year?


Respuesta dada por: svictoriarc


Oxford es la atracción turística más popular en Gran Bretaña.

después de Londres y Stratford-upon-Avon. Oxford es famoso

por su universidad Es el más antiguo de Gran Bretaña y el tercero.

más antiguo de Europa

La universidad tiene treinta y cinco colegios separados. por

muchos años, solo cinco de estas universidades eran para

mujer. Sin embargo, casi todas las universidades aceptan

hoy en día tanto hombres como mujeres.

Oxford también es una ciudad de mercado, donde vive la gente común

y trabajo. Oxford tiene más de un millón de visitantes al año.

¿Londres es la atracción más popular en Gran Bretaña?

2. ¿Cuál es la atracción más popular en Gran Bretaña?

¿Por qué es famoso Oxford?

• ¿Cambridge es la universidad más antigua de Gran Bretaña?

s. ¿Cuál es la universidad más antigua de Gran Bretaña?

. ¿Oxford tiene veinte universidades separadas?

- ¿Cuántas universidades tiene?

¿Eran las universidades en el pasado para hombres y mujeres?

¿Cuántas de estas universidades eran para mujeres?

10 ¿Casi todas las universidades de hoy en día aceptan hombres y mujeres?


11 ¿Oxford también es una ciudad de mercado?

12 ¿Oxford tiene tres millones de visitantes al año?

¿Cuántos visitantes tiene al año?

13 ¿Cuántos visitantes tiene un año?


AyyCancinoss: tengo que responderlass
vinyelicortes: no entiendo me ayudas
Respuesta dada por: s0m3on3

What is the most popular attraction in Britain?

It is Oxford (Oxford is the most popular tourist attraction in Britain)

Why is Oxford famous?

Oxford is famous for its university.

Is Cambridge the oldest university in Britain?

No, It's Oxford University. (It is the oldest in Britain and the third oldest in Europe)

What is the oldest university in Britain?

It's Oxford University. (It is the oldest in Britain and the third oldest in Europe)

Does Oxford have twenty separate colleges?

No, It has thirty-five separate colleges. (The university has thirty-five separate colleges.)

How many colleges does it have?

It has thirty-five separate colleges. (The university has thirty-five separate colleges.)

Were the colleges in the past for men and women?

No, they were separated, but there were some colleges for women.

How many of these colleges were for women?

There were five colleges for women. (For many years, only five of these colleges were for women)

Do nearly all the colleges nowadays accept both men and women?

Yes they do. (All the colleges accept

nowadays both men and women.)

Is Oxford also a market town?

Yes, it is. (Oxford is also a market town)

Does Oxford have three million visitors a year?

No it doesn't. (Oxford has over one million visitors a year.)

How many visitors does it have a year?

It has over one million visitors a year. (Oxford has over one million visitors a year.)

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Espero que te haya ayudado, si es así no dudes en ponerme como favorito :)

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