• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Amarelo21
  • hace 7 años

Ayuda con esto de ingles x fa



Respuesta dada por: Jeralex50

Respuesta: esta tarea debería ser personal pero no te conozco así que respondí como un aproximado a ti intentando pensar como tu

Explicación: •what plataforms do you use ?

I use YouTube , Goole, Facebook

•How much time do you spend on the plataforms?

Usally if was an hour and half after doing my homework

•When do you first go online on a tipycal day ?

Maybe between 8:00 in the morning

•When is the last time you go online on a typical day ?

Sometimes between 10:00 at nigth

•Do you have a lot friends online ?

Yes , I have some friends

•Friends online , are they as good as real friends are ? Why / why not ?

Preferably not , because when you talk to them in person its is very different and here we are using minds very accustomed to a screen

Espero te sirva

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