• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: xjkxldndnof
  • hace 7 años

1) Complete with the correct subject pronoun. (I, you, he,
she, it, we, they).
1. Does ........ speak French? Yes, she does.
2. How is your Mum? ........ is better, thanks.
3. How are ........? ........'m fine, thanks.
4. How old is your brother? ....... is 10.
5. Where is the teacher from? ....... is from Belgium.
6. Is this your book? No, ....... isn't
7. What are the children doing? ........ are playing in the
8. Where is Bob? ........ is watching with his sister.
9. Where are your keys? ...... are pocket.
10. ...... enjoys going to school.


Respuesta dada por: loginappsetc

1. She.

2. She.

3. You, I

4. He

5. She/He

6. It

7. They

8. He

9. They

10. He/She

Respuesta dada por: everonicarubiano

uekeieheorrrirorheouebekeueneoeb8ebe8e he83oel3veor8r7f8f

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