Breakfast cupcakes
Take advantage of your cupcake molds and start your imagination! You can add as many ingredients as you want, and for a special touch add cubes of Cooked Turkey Breast Charvenca.
Incorporate the well-chopped ingredients into the molds, mix the eggs and fill each one ¾. Bake the pan for 20-25 minutes at 1800C and you're done.
Roasted skewers
A rich option for a light dinner or lunch.
For 2 skewers you will need:
8 slices of Cooked Turkey Breast Charvenca
Cut into 6 large cubes Cooked Back Charvenca
Zucchini, onion, paprika and mushrooms cut into slices.
Assemble everything on the skewer or skewer in the following order: Cooked Turkey Charvenca Breast Market, zucchini slice, Cube of Cooked Spavenque Charvenca, onion, paprika, mushrooms and continue like this until you get to the other end of the skewer.
Then preheat the oven to 1800C. Place the skewers on a tray and for 20 minutes and after the first 10 minutes turn them over.