• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jesusman697
  • hace 8 años

ver black cap and
the corner of Ellis and
It was a really hot day. A man wearing a heavy army jacket, a pullover hi
dark aviator sunglasses walked/t/into the American Bank at the cor
Main streets in downtown Springfield.
Activity 6.3.3.Draw each
from 6.3.2.
de for all to see. He
w!" Everyone in the
ard. Nervously
led with cash
in pain and
A man walked into The Ar
The man walked/_ up to the teller and held up a hand grenade for all
said, "Give me all your money, all the money in this bank, right now!" Everve
lobby screamed/ and started/ running, even the security guard. No
the young female teller handed / / the man three big bags filled / /
He walked out the door. A second later, one of the money bags
O , covering him with something red all over his face. He yelled /_ ini
surprise, and started / walking around in circles because he couldn't see
he was going
He couldn't see, but he could hear. He heard the police siren get closer. Then he
heard the police tell him to get down on his stomach on the sidewalk and put his
hand behind his back. They handcuffed / /him and placed him in the back
of a police car. Seeing the hand grenade on the sidewalk, the police told everyone
to get back. They closed off the whole block and called the bomb squad
The bomb squad came and examined / the hand grenade. Then they laughed
A . They told the police it was fake. The hand grenade was actually a harmless toy
something 12-year-old kids play with.
Bank. It was a hot do
The police laughed
customers returned
. The bank employees returned/_/to work. The bank
to their lines. The bank robber, hopefully, he will never​


Respuesta dada por: antonioduran413


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