• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: otonielflorez84
  • hace 7 años

escriba oraciones con esos berbos: (Leer, escribir, bailar, comer cortar cocinar,
correr, soñar, jugar, beber, dormir, hablar, escuhar, ver, olvidar, creer, romper, hacer, odiar, olvidar) hago una oración,
afirmativa, negativa y pregunta por cada verbo.
Mi gato estaba bebiendo leche en la cocina


+: yes my cat was drinking milk in the kitchen
- No, my cat was not drinking milk in the kitchen
? was my cat drinking milk in the kitchen?​


Respuesta dada por: imlve2u

Leer : I'm reading a book

I'm not reading a book

Am I reading a book?

Escribir: She write my favorite book

She doesn't write my favorite book

Did she write my favorite book?

Bailar : He's a good dancer

He's not a good dancer

Is he a good dancer?

Comer: My mom want me to eat vegetables

My mom don't want me to eat vegetables

Do my mom want me to eat vegetables?

Cortar: I will cut my hair today

I will not cut my hair today

Will I cut my hair today?

Cocinar: Your father cooks very well

Your father doesn't cook very well

Does your father cook very well?

Correr: they woke up early to run

they didn't woke up early to run

Did they woke up early to run?

Soñar: I dreamed with you last night

I did not dream with you last night

Did I dreamed with you last night?

Jugar: your uncle plays basketball wonderfully

your uncle doesn't play basketball wonderfully

Does your uncle play basketball wonderfully?

Beber: you should drink more water

you shouldn't drink more water

Should you drink more water?

Dormir: I was asleep when you arrived

I was not asleep when you arrived

I was asleep when you got there?

hablar: I will talk to him about it

I will not talk to him about it

Will I talk to him about it?

escuchar: I heard the song you recommended to me

I didn't hear the song you recommended me

Did I hear the song you recommended?

ver: dad saw it

dad didn't see it

dad saw it all?

Olvidar: My cousin forgot his toys

my cousin did not forget his toys

did my cousin forget his toys?

creer: he believes in aliens

he doesn't believe in aliens

do he believe in aliens?

romper: the closet broke

the closet didn't break

Did the closet broke?

hacer: they want to make a movie

they don't want to make a movie

Do they want to make a movie?

odiar: I hate hypocritical people

I don't hate hypocritical people

Do I hate hypocritical people?

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