• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: laureanodpr
  • hace 7 años

Ayuda no entiendo el trabajo

5. Circle the correct option:
a. We aren´t/ isn´t from Brazil. We is/ are from Argentina.
b. Tigers are/ aren´t mammals but crocodiles are/ aren´t.
c. The students in 7th form isn´t /is /aren´t in secondary school.
d. Elephants are/aren´t carnivores. They are/ aren´t herbivores.
e. Thomas is/ are my friend but he is / isn´t my neighbour.


Respuesta dada por: valechuss


a). We arent from Brazil. We are from Argentina

b). tigers are mammals but crocodiles arent

c). The students in 7th from arent in secondary school

d)elephants arent carnivores. they are herbivores

e). Thomas is my friend but isnt my neighbour


Verb to be

laureanodpr: en la C iba "aren`t", pero gracias igual
Respuesta dada por: MafeLN


a. We aren´t from Brazil. We are from Argentina.

b. Tigers are mammals but cocrodiles aren´t

c. The students in 7th form aren´t in secondary school.

d. Elephants aren´t carnivores. They are herbivores.

e. Thomas is my friend but he isn´t my neighbour.


Encierra en un circulo la opcion corrrecta.

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