• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 0983743403kathe
  • hace 7 años

PORFAVOR es para AHORA Complete the questions and answers with some-, any-, no- compounds and relative pronouns. Then match the questions to the answers.
1. Are you related to …………………… …………………… name is George?
2. Is there …………………… …………………… is more enjoyable than a meal with friends?
3. Is there …………………… quiet …………………… we can talk?
4. Did you tell Linda …………………… …………………… we talked about?
5. Have you got …………………… …………………… can help you with your homework?
...... a. Actually, I did tell her …………………… …………………… you told me.
...... b. No, there is …………………… …………………… knows enough about history in my family.
...... c. No, I’m not. But there is…………………… …………………… name is George in Jack’s family.
..... d. Of course. There is …………………… …………………… is usually quiet over there. ...... e. No, there isn’t …………………… …………………… is better.


Respuesta dada por: luprudencio518




lose sorry :( suerte con la tarea :3

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