• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Oda78566
  • hace 7 años

Composición larga sobre el porque nosotros necesitamos unas vacaciones
En inglés
Ayúdenme :'(


Respuesta dada por: Mayitas27


We all need a break after all the pressure we carry in our lives, vacations are much more than just going to a place by desire or whim because rest is a need that we all have at some point in our lives. Being a responsible adult does not mean that you must be tied forever with your project, sleep, feel, breathe and live for and by work. In fact, rest times are key to any productivity system and prevents you from becoming saturated, so even when we are working it is necessary to take active breaks every 25 minutes.


We deserve a vacation if:

-We live in a state of permanent tiredness, no matter how many hours you sleep, the fact is that there comes a time when the mind literally cannot take it anymore. So even if you sleep well at night, you wake up tired and not all the cafes in the world manage to get you fully awake. This is a sign that your body is telling you that you need a vacation, disconnect and break the work routine to replenish energy. You are not a machine, so don't try to behave like one.

-We alter our state of mind; undertaking is hard and being at the forefront of our projects generates stress. Stress, in small doses, is good, because it maintains a positive alert level. The problem comes when it exceeds healthy limits and becomes part of your usual frame of mind.

-It decreases our attention and concentration; No one can maintain high levels of concentration for long periods of time. Not even entrepreneurs. Therefore, you need vacations. When the brain is saturated and overloaded, the attention, concentration and memory capacity decreases, because the hippocampus (which is the brain area related to information retention) is affected.

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