• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Javierchato2328
  • hace 8 años

informacion sobre el sistema respiratorio en ingles


Respuesta dada por: admena1204


The functions of the respiratory system are gas exchange, acid-base balance, lung phonation, defense and metabolism, and the management of bioactive materials.


The exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen takes place in the lungs, the fresh, oxygen-containing air is drawn into the lungs through the conduction airways (Figure 31-1), and the forces necessary to cause the Air flow is generated by the respiratory muscles, which act on orders initiated by the central nervous system, at the same time, the right ventricle of the heart pumps venous blood back to the lungs from the various tissues of the body. This mixed venous blood has a high content of carbon dioxide, and low oxygen, in the pulmonary capillaries, carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen, thus, the left side of the heart distributes to the tissues the blood that leaves the lungs, and which now has high oxygen content and lower carbon dioxide content, finally, during expiration, gas with a high concentration of carbon dioxide is expelled from the body.


Nose. The air from outside enters the respiratory system through the nostrils where it is: Filtered by the fimbriae, hairs that clean the air of large particles.

Heated by the large number of superficially located blood vessels that radiate heat, thus allowing inhaled air to reach a temperature of about 25 ° C, regardless of the outside temperature. Thus we avoid that the air reaches excessively cold to the lungs.

Humidified by glandular secretions. Pharynx. It is a common organ of the digestive system and the respiratory system.

Larynx. It is the organ where the vocal cords, responsible for the voice, are found. The larynx is partially covered by the epiglottis, a kind of plug that closes when we swallow so that food does not pass into the airways.

Windpipe. Going down the larynx, air reaches the trachea, a tube about 12cm long, located in front of the esophagus. The trachea is lined by numerous cilia (small extensions of a tubular structure) that help to expel any dust that may have passed into the pharynx. It is also made up of cartilaginous rings that allow it to always remain open. In its final portion, the trachea, gives rise to 2 branches called bronchi, made up of cartilaginous rings with the same characteristics.

Bronchi, Bronchioles and Alveoli. The bronchi penetrate the lungs where they divide again into thinner branches called bronchioles. Each bronchiole ends in dozens of pouches called pulmonary alveoli that are lined with small blood vessels through which gas exchange occurs (O2 passes from the alveoli into the blood and CO2 passes from the blood into the alveoli to be expelled during expiration).

Lungs Finally, the lungs are two reddish spongy organs located in the chest, on both sides of the heart and protected by the ribs. The right lung consists of 3 fragments, while the slightly smaller left makes only two, since it has to share the space of the left hemithorax with the heart.

Lastly, the diaphragm is a large, thin muscle located under the lungs, the main function of which is to contract and move down during inspiration and relax during expiration.

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