5.Complete the text using present continuous form:
Hi my dear friend, I ………………… (WRITE) this letter from my hotel bedroom, I ………………….. (HAVE) fun in this city, I …………………… (LEARN) a lot of English, the teacher ………………………….. (TEACH) me Present continuous and Present Simple, I have two friend, they are Anny and Kate, they ……………………… (STAY) in the same hotel, Anny …………………. (CHAT) with his boyfriend right now and Kate ………………………. (LISTEN) to music, she likes rock a lot. I hope you …………………………. (HAVE) fun too, I miss you so much and I hope to see you soon, I …………………. (COME) back to Colombia next month. See you soon. Regards,
Wrote,had,learned,taught,stayed,chated,listened,had,will come
present continous es : el verbo estar en ingles (am,is, are) + verbo (jugar,leer,etc)+ ing
algo asi
Jugar- play
Jugando - playing
Hi my dear friend, I AM WRITING (WRITE) this letter from my hotel bedroom, I AM HAVING (HAVE) fun in this city, I AM LEARNING (LEARN) a lot of English, the teacher IS TEACHING (TEACH) me Present continuous and Present Simple, I have two friend, they are Anny and Kate, they ARE STAYING (STAY) in the same hotel, Anny IS CHATING (CHAT) with his boyfriend right now and Kate IS LISTENING (LISTEN) to music, she likes rock a lot. I hope you ARE HAVING (HAVE) fun too, I miss you so much and I hope to see you soon, I AM COMIG (COME) back to Colombia next month. See you soon. Regards,
espero que te haya servido :)