• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joanfelipeuribezapat
  • hace 8 años

complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the firts. use three to six words in your answer, including the word in brackets, as in the example.
1. I live closer to the bus stop than ivan does (away)
Ivan lives ____________ than me.
2. These apples aren't as tasty as the ones lizzie bought. (than)
the apples lizzie bought ___________ .
3. The masacre was among the most despicable episodes in the regiment's history. (one)
the masacre was _________ in the regiment's history.
4. The ending of the film wasn't as sentimental as I'd expected. (than)
i'd experted the ending of the film to be ________ it was.
5. Mikhail's essay wasn't as bad as the others. (the)
mikhail's essay______ .
6. All the other flights were more expensive than the Easyjest one. (of)
The easyjet flight ________ the flights.
7. that was easily the most ridiculous story I ve ever heard. (by)
that was _____________ I' ve ever heard.
8. of the two sisters, sophie and caroline, sophie is the elder. (than)
sophie is___________ sister caroline.


Respuesta dada por: Luzmamendoza23


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