• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 123123123545675
  • hace 7 años




Respuesta dada por: anniemelendez15

A n s w e r:

- What images spring to mind when you hear the word 'music'?

Images of people singing and playing various instruments come to mind.

- What kind of music do you like?, Is there any kind of music that you can't stand? why?

I like the K - P o p genre and I can't bear the music of the R e g g a e t o n genre, because I can't bear the way they s e x u a l i z e women and treat it like a toy, plus the song lyrics are supposed to be deep and have a important meaning for people, is what I can't hear on Re g g a e t o n.

(Without offending anyone who likes that genre)

- Do you play a musical instrument? , Did you take lessons? , If not, what instrument would you like to learn to play?

Well, I know how to play the guitar a little and no, I didn't take lessons, I learned by watching people play it and I would like to learn to play the piano.

- Do you like to sing?  , Why or why not?  , Have you ever sung karaoke?  , Do you have a song that you often sing there? What it is?

Of course, I really like to sing, I like it because through it I can release my emotions and express how I feel, yes, I have sung many times in karaoke, well I have many songs, such as:

  1. B l u e m i n g - I U
  2. P e a c h - I U
  3. T r o u g h t   t h e   N i g t h - I U
  4. T w e n t y   T h r e e - I U
  5. N o t S p r i n g, Love, or C h e r r y Blossoms - H i g h 4, I U
  6. Eyes, Nose, Lips  - T a e y a n g
  7. S o m e - J u n g g i g o, S o y o u
  8. T h e E v e - E X O
  9. T e m p o - E X O
  10. K O K O B O P - E X O
  11. C a l l   M e   B a b y - E X O
  12. U n f a i r - E X O
  13. M o n s t e r - E X O
  14. Love me Right - E X O
  15. You calling my Name - G O T 7
  16. Wannabe - I T Z Y
  17. Why - T a e y e o n
  18. Feel Special - T W I C E
  19. One in a Million - T W I C E
  20. Lullaby - G O T 7

((Those would be some of the many songs that I usually sing in karaoke))

- Do you listen more to music or lyrics? , Why so? , What makes a good song for you?

Well, I usually listen to the lyrics more, because from I can know if I can identify myself or not with the song I'm listening to and if I'm going to want to listen to it all the time, then I realize the melody and the rhythm because that too It is a very important point in the song, a good song for me is made by the lyrics, the rhythm and the person who sings it, is just my opinion.

- How has your opinion of good music changed over the years? Is there anything you liked years ago that you would not like now?

My opinion on good music has not changed, that is, there is still good music, with very good lyrics, that inspire anyone, of course there are also others that cause me disgust when listening to them for their lyrics but it must be emphasized that it still exists Good music still, years ago I can openly say that I liked 'R e g g a e t o n' a bit, but just because I didn't want others to make fun of me for the music I really liked (K - P o p), now I don't care anymore if they make fun it is the music that I love and that is how I like it.

- What song best represents you, or your attitude to life? Explain in detail:

I think the song that would represent me would be 'L O S E R' by B I G B A N G, I had never found a song that represented me as much as this, the lyrics explain how I feel in front of life, with the phrase 'L o s e r, lonely, a coward who pretends to be strong' or  'An  i m b e c i l e  covered in scars', are phrases that sincerely define how I feel, that would be the song that would represent me.

-  Why do you think english language music is so popular? , Can a band be a worldwide hit if they don't sing in english?

I think it would be because factor number one is "how it sounds", "the accent". The way it sounds not only the name of the group / artist but the song is totally attractive, that sells. If you translate and sing the song into Spanish it may fit but it won't be as great as in the language it was made in.

The next factor, and we have to admit it, is creativity in the rhythm and lyrics of the compositions, the songs in English have a rhythm that fits a lot with people, and also some have wonderful lyrics, I think for those reasons it is that they are English songs are so famous.

I think that a group can be famous without singing in English, a clear example would be bands like: 'B T S', 'B L A C K PI N K', 'E X O' and many more bands, the main language in their songs is Korean (of course there are also some parts in English but it would only be 20% or 10% of the song), these bands had worldwide and international fame, so yes, a band can become famous without singing in English.

                          ((These would be my opinion and answers))

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