• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rodzalez0812
  • hace 8 años

Necesito un texto argumentativo de cualquier tema en inglés​


Respuesta dada por: anniemelendez15

R e s p u e s t a:

(( 1° Texto Argumentativo ))

( Academic articles )

“The recent worldwide interest in the cultivation of microalgae for energy purposes, together with the need for more environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment technologies, has made wastewater treatment processes using microalgae a promising alternative since the economic and environmental point of view compared to their aerobic and anaerobic counterparts. The oxygen photosynthetically produced by the microalgae is used for the oxidation of organic matter and NH4 + (with the consequent savings in aeration costs), while the autotrophic and heterotrophic growth of algal and bacterial biomass leads to greater nutrient recoveries. "

(( 2° Texto Argumentativo ))

( Political speeches )

"Adolf Hitler - 'We Will Defeat the Enemies of Germany', April 10, 1923

My dear compatriots, German men and women!

In the Bible it is written: "What is neither hot nor cold I want to spit out of my mouth." This phrase of the great Nazarene has preserved until today its deep validity. Anyone who wants to wander the golden path in the middle must renounce the achievement of great and maximum goals. To this day, middle terms and lukewarmness have also remained the curse of Germany. ”

(( 3° Texto Argumentativo ))


"Mr. Judge, I agree with the public prosecutor that the crime of sexual rape is a reprehensible act, a clear stigma of the degradation of the civic spirit of an absent society. But it is not the present case. As we indicated at the beginning of this debate, those of January 8, two thousand and sixteen do not constitute a crime because they are atypical conduct, since Miss X and my client agreed to have sexual relations without mediating any type of violence, on the contrary, they were relations spoiled. "

(These would be three examples of argumentative texts in English)

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