• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: asofia27
  • hace 7 años

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Every year on October 31st children (and some adults) dress up in costumes to celebrate Halloween.

Houses are decorated with Jack-o-Lanterns, artificial spiders and cobwebs, pretend witches and ghosts and other frightening objects that symbolize this special day.

On the evening of Halloween, in North America and many other countries around the world, groups of children can be seen walking the streets wearing costumes and visiting their neighbors’houses to receive candy.

Typical festive Halloween activities include Trick-or-Treating (going house to house to receive sweets or food), attending costume parties, decorating, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted houses, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.

Halloween originally comes from the Celts that lived in Europe over 2000 years ago. The Celtic festival of Samhain, which comes from the Old Irish for “summer’s end” marked the end of theharvest season and the beginning of winter or the ‘darker half’ of the year. It was seen as a time when the spirits could more easily come into our world. The souls of the dead throughout history were both honored and warded-off. The custom of wearing costumes and masksat Halloween goes back to Celtic traditions of attempting to copy the evilspirits or placate them.

Throughout history Halloween has been an important tradition in Scotland and Ireland. In these countries, children and poor people would sing and say prayers for the dead in return for cakes which is where “trick or treating” began. The Celts would carry lanterns made with turnips.


Respuesta dada por: camilycastile

Hay muy pocos, prácticamente la mayoría de verbos están en presente o en pasado pero no simple. Las palabras en negrita son los verbos que están el pasado simple.

Hay muy pocos, prácticamente la mayoría de verbos están en presente o en pasado pero no simple. Las palabras en negrita son los verbos que están el pasado simple.Halloween originally comes from the Celts that lived in Europe over 2000 years ago.

Hay muy pocos, prácticamente la mayoría de verbos están en presente o en pasado pero no simple. Las palabras en negrita son los verbos que están el pasado simple.Halloween originally comes from the Celts that lived in Europe over 2000 years ago.The Celtic festival of Samhain, which comes from the Old Irish for “summer’s end” marked the end of theharvest season and the beginning of winter or the ‘darker half’ of the year.

In these countries, children and poor people would sing and say prayers for the dead in return for cakes which is where “trick or treating” began.

asofia27: Entonces las de pasado cuáles serían?
camilycastile: Disculpa, se me olvidó señalar. Ya lo edité
camilycastile: Halloween originally comes from the Celts that lived in Europe over 2000 years ago. The Celtic festival of Samhain, which comes from the Old Irish for “summer’s end” MARKED the end of theharvest season and the beginning of winter or the ‘darker half’ of the year.
camilycastile: Halloween originally comes from the Celts that LIVED in Europe over 2000 years ago.
camilycastile: In these countries, children and poor people would sing and say prayers for the dead in return for cakes which is where “trick or treating” BEGAN.
camilycastile: Esas son las oraciones y las palabras en mayúsculas son los verbos en pasado. Lo escribo por acá porque no me deja editar la respuesta
asofia27: Muchas gracias
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