• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: SusejMochiuwu
  • hace 7 años

Ayudaa!! nesecito que alguien me ayude a hacer esta actividad de ingles.....
*escribe las oraciones de la manera correcta. Cambia el verbo a pasado continuo o pasado simple
Por.ejem. Tú (escuchas) música cuando yo (toco) la puerta - Estabas escuchando música cuando yo tocaba la puerta

Estas son las oraciones...
. I (watch) tv when she (call) me.
. We (write) the homework when you (play) videogames.
. He (meet) his girlfriend when he (live) in London.
. I (work) when you (decide) to come.
. They (play) baseball when it (start) to rain.


Respuesta dada por: juankbiker


I was watching (watch) tv when she. called (call) me.

. We wrote (write) the homework when you were playing (play) videogames.

. He met (meet) his girlfriend when he was living (live) in London.

. I was working (work) when you decided (decide) to come.

. They were playing (play) baseball when it started (start) to rain.

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