• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vegitoreximo
  • hace 7 años

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
When I was a teenager……
1) I………………… (love) meat, but I…………………(not like) fish.

2) I…………………. (like) heavy metal, but I…………..(not listen) to classical music.

3) I………………….(play) soccer, but I …………………..(not want) to be a soccer player.

4) I…………………….. (watch)tennis, but I……………………………...(not play) it.

5) I …………………… (enjoy) school, but I………………………..(not want) to go to college.


Respuesta dada por: iiwolfisnickakun

1) Loves, don't like

2)Likes, don't listen

3) Plays, don't want

4)Watches, don't play

5)Enjoyed, don't want

vegitoreximo: no seria didn't
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