• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: soniadeolivaperez
  • hace 7 años

3 Complete the sentences with the correct past perfect form of the verbs.

Receive not / arrive find already / call send join

1 They _____________ four more survivors before it got dark. 2 The victims _____________ compensation by the time we interviewed them. 3 Several countries _____________ international aid after they heard about the disaster. 4 By the time I got there, the paramedics _____________ yet. 5 We wanted to help, but my sister _____________ the police. 6 Lots of people _____________ in the rescue effort before the search and rescue workers got there.

soniadeolivaperez: por favor ayuda es muy urgente tengo un examen doy treinta puntos
soniadeolivaperez: ayudaaa


Respuesta dada por: Tessarivera


1. had found

2. had received

3. had sent

4. had not arrived

5. had already called

6. had joined

No entendí bien las palabras que pusiste :/ pero yo así lo pondría

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