• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: darkside6966
  • hace 7 años

Me ayudan?
1.-Ramon and frank are hungry. (Often)___
2.- my grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (Always)____
3.-walter helps his father in the kitchen (usually)_____
4.-They watch TV in the afternoon. (Never)____
5.-christine smokes.(never)_____

menor2389: they watch tv in the afternoon (never)


Respuesta dada por: rama52
1) Ramón and frank often are....
2)my grandmother always goes for.....
3) walter usually helps his father....
4) they never watch....
5)christine never smoke

Supongo que es conjugar los adverbios con los verbos :)

menor2389: si va a poner algo póngalo completo gonorrea
Respuesta dada por: miligp1213


1 are often hungry

2 always goes

3 usually helps

4 never watch

5 never smokes


espero q te ayude :)

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