• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: LaParaMVP
  • hace 9 años

Complete the text with the Past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
It (1.BE) ....................... my birthday yesterday and I (2.HAVE) ............................... a fantastic time! I (3.NOT HAVE)
.......................... a party this year because I (4.WANT) ........................... to do something different then. So, I (5.MEET)
.............................. my friends in town and we (6.GO) ........................ to the cinema and then to a restaurant. I (7.NOT
LIKE) ....................... the film because those actors (8.NOT BE) .......................... very good (in fact, they were terrible!).
We (9.STUDY) ................................. until midnight, so this morning I (10.GET UP) ................................... very late.


Respuesta dada por: BadBlood
It was my birthday yesterday and i had a fantastic time! I didn´t have a party this year because i wanted to do something different then.So,I met my friends in town and we went to the cinema and then to a restaurant. I didn´t like the film because those actor weren´t very good(in fact,they were terrible!).We studied until midnight,so this morning i got up very late.

Ojala te ayude :D
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